Preservation Progress


The Meeting House and its treasured Revere Foundry bell will be preserved for the future thanks to the Town of Truro and many generous donors. 

The Friends of the Truro Meeting House marked the successful completion of its five-year preservation project with a Town-wide Celebration on Monday, July 3, 2017. Begun in 2012 and completed during 2017, the project received major funding provided by the Town of Truro through its Community Preservation Act Program along with support from the Friends.

Since the completion of the multi-year major renovation and restoration campaign, Friends donors and Truro Community Preservation Act (CPA) fund revenues have advanced further work on the historic building, both inside and out. It is an impressive list of progress that brings the current total preservation investment in the Truro Meeting House to $1,072,563. In addition, in 2024, based on a successful application to the Cape Light Compact’s Non-Profit Enhanced Incentive Program, the First Congregational Parish was awarded the installation of a $137,000 state-of-the art heat pump HVAC system and related building insulation/weatherization that expands the seasonal use of the building to year-round operation and at no cost to the Parish. Air conditioning in summer and heat in winter have the potential to usher in a new era for community gatherings in one of the Outer Cape’s most beautiful and beloved spaces.

Tied to this exciting development is expansion of the vestry’s tight accommodations for meetings into a larger and more comfortable area at the rear of the meeting hall that allows for post-event receptions, community gathering, and new options for programming. A ten-foot section of sliding doors now unites the two spaces, removing a section of wall that was added in 1845 and restoring the expansiveness of the original design.

Below is a record of accomplishment in which everyone can take pride.

Truro Meeting House Preservation Progress:  2012-2024

2012-13 Parish Grant FY 2013 Evaluation and Phase 1 Construction ($75,000)

  1. Architectural and Engineering
  2. Emergency Structural Roof Truss Repairs and Reinforcement
  3. New Alarm System and Surge Protector
  4. Historic Preservation Restriction
  5. Friends of the Truro Meeting House 501(C) 3 Organization Established
  6. Building Painting Initiated by the Parish

2013-14 Friends Grant FY 2014 Phase 2 Design and Construction ($50,202)

  1. Architectural and Engineering
  2. Architectural Access Board – Handicap Access Design and Approvals
  3. Lighting Improvements
  4. Window Restoration
  5. Building Painting Continued by the Friends and Parish

2014-15 Friends Grant FY 2015 Phase 2 Construction Continued ($375,000)

  1. Architectural and Engineering
  2. Foundation Construction – South/Entry Side
  3. Belfry/Roof Rehabilitation
  4. Interior and Exterior Accessibility Improvements
  5. Roof Replacement
  6. Lightning Protection System
  7. Building Painting Continued by the Friends and Parish

2015-16  Friends Grant FY 2016 – Phase 3 Construction ($264,700)

  1. Architectural and Engineering
  2. Foundation Construction – East, North and West Sides
  3. Vestry/Conference Room Plastering and Painting by Friends

2016-17 Friends Grant FY 2017 – Revere Bell Restoration ($48,600)

  1. Architectural and Engineering
  2. Revere Bell Restoration
  3. Removal and Reinstallation of the Bell

2019 Preservation Work

Gutter Replacement by Friends and Parish

2020 Preservation Work

Painting North and East Facades by Friends and Parish

2021 Preservation Work

  1. Painting West Façade by Friends and Parish
  2. Restoration and Painting Entry Doors by Friends and Parish

2022 Preservation Work

  1. Exhaust fans for improved ventilation (Post Covid) installed by Friends
  2. Internet Broadcasting Installed for Live Streaming Events by Friends and Parish
  3. Tree Clearing to Protect Historic Iron Rail Fence by Friends

2023 Friends Grant FY 2024 – Cemetery and Access Road Restoration  ($25,273)

  1. Historic Landscape Restoration
  2. Public Access Road Reconstruction
  3. Land Survey for Plot Mapping to Set Bounds
  4. Tower Roof Repaired and Replaced by Friends

2024 Friends Grant FY 2025 – Community Gathering Space Improvements  ($32,493)

  1. Opening Meeting Hall Space to Vestry/Conference Room
  2. Installation of Bypass Sliding Doors
  3. HVAC Heat Pump System installed by Parish (Cape Light Compact Grant $137,000)

Total Community Preservation Act Grants Received:              $  871,268

Total Private Contributions Raised from 304 Donors:             $   201,295

Funds Raised for the Meeting House Restoration to Date:    $1,072,563



Completing the Walkway

New entry steps

Landscaping the front

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